HTML and ArcGIS Arcade expressions can be used together in ArcGIS Dashboards to customize how the data appears in the table element. This article provides the steps to apply bold text to the education institution categories and their corresponding total number of students. An indentation of 20 pixels is also configured for all the education institution names in ArcGIS Dashboards.
The image below shows the table element without the bold and indentation text formatting.
// Edit the desired variable name and required field name accordingly var <variableName1> = Concatenate('<strong>'+$datapoint.<fieldName1>+'</strong>') var <variableName2> = Concatenate('<div style="padding-left: 20px;">'+$datapoint.<fieldName1>+'</div>') var <variableName3> = Concatenate('<strong>'+Text($datapoint.<fieldName2>)+'</strong>') var <variableName4> = When($datapoint.<fieldName1> == '<textValue1>', <variableName1>, $datapoint.<fieldName1> == '<textValue2>', <variableName1>, $datapoint.<fieldName1> == '<textValue3>', <variableName1>, $datapoint.<fieldName1> =='<textValue4>', <variableName1>, <variableName2>)> var <variableName5> = When(Text($datapoint.<fieldName2>) == '<numericValue1>', <variableName3>, Text($datapoint.<fieldName2>) == '<numericValue2>', <variableName3>, Text($datapoint.<fieldName2>) == '<numericValue3>', <variableName3>, Text($datapoint.<fieldName2>) =='<numericValue4>', <variableName3>, Text($datapoint.<fieldName2>)) return { cells: { <fieldName1>: { displayText : <variableName4>, textColor: '', backgroundColor: '', textAlign: 'left', iconName: '', iconAlign: '', iconColor: '', iconOutlineColor: '' }, <fieldName2>: { displayText : <variableName5>, textColor: '', backgroundColor: '', textAlign: 'right', iconName: '', iconAlign: '', iconColor: '', iconOutlineColor: '' }, } }
The code block below demonstrates the full working expression. In this example, the field value categories (Elementary, Middle or junior high, High school, and College or university) of the EDUCATION field are configured to be bold, whereas all other field values are indented by 20 pixels. The corresponding numeric field values of the STUDENT field are also set to be bold.
// Edit the desired variable name and required field name accordingly var bldE = Concatenate('<strong>'+$datapoint.EDUCATION+'</strong>') var txaE = Concatenate('<div style="padding-left: 20px;">'+$datapoint.EDUCATION+'</div>') var bldS = Concatenate('<strong>'+Text($datapoint.STUDENT)+'</strong>') var educ = When($datapoint.EDUCATION == 'Elementary', bldE, $datapoint.EDUCATION == 'Middle or junior high', bldE, $datapoint.EDUCATION == 'High school', bldE, $datapoint.EDUCATION =='College or university', bldE, txaE) var stud = When(Text($datapoint.STUDENT) == '41626', bldS, Text($datapoint.STUDENT) == '42283', bldS, Text($datapoint.STUDENT) == '47971', bldS, Text($datapoint.STUDENT) =='59081', bldS, Text($datapoint.STUDENT)) return { cells: { EDUCATION: { displayText : educ, textColor: '', backgroundColor: '', textAlign: 'left', iconName: '', iconAlign: '', iconColor: '', iconOutlineColor: '' }, STUDENT: { displayText : stud, textColor: '', backgroundColor: '', textAlign: 'right', iconName: '', iconAlign: '', iconColor: '', iconOutlineColor: '' }, } }
Shown below is the configured table element.
Article ID: 000031576
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