In Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online Map Viewer, texts can be added to display information in pop-ups. In Map Viewer, the built-in font options for text formatting are Default, Arial, Courier New, Tahoma, Times New Roman, and Verdana.
In addition to the six font options, HTML formatting can be used to add custom fonts in the pop-ups. The workflow to use custom fonts in Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online Map Viewer pop-ups is demonstrated in this article.
- Log in to Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online, and open the web map in Map Viewer.
- In Map Viewer, on the Settings (light) toolbar, click Configure pop-ups
in Portal for ArcGIS, or Pop-ups in ArcGIS Online. - In the Pop-ups pane, click Add content, and select Text.
- In the text editor, type a plain text or type { and select a field or expression from the data. In this example, {NAME_EN} is selected to display the NAME_EN attribute of the selected feature.
- Click Source
- Configure the HTML codes.
The following steps may not be applicable to all custom fonts.
- Before the <span> tag, type the following code. Replace <font_name> with the custom font name. In this example, the font name is Broadway.
<span style="font-family: <font_name>;">
- After the existing </span> tag, type </span>.
- Click Source. The text is displayed in the custom font in the text editor.
- Click OK to close the text editor.
- On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Save and open, and click Save to save the modifications.
The text in the pop-up is displayed in the custom font.