In Portal for ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic, Arcade expressions and HTML tags can be used to format the text displayed in a pop-up according to the specifications applied. This article provides an example and instructions using the Arcade expressions and HTML tags to configure the text formatting for pop-ups in Portal for ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic.
The workflow below utilizes the Arcade functions and HTML tags listed in the table below to configure the text formatting for pop-ups in Portal for ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic:
Arcade Function or HTML Tag | Attribute Result |
Proper(inputText, applyToText) | Transforms a text value to title case. |
Left(value, charCount) | Returns the specified number of characters from the start of a text value. |
IIf(condition, trueValue, falseValue) | Returns a given value if a conditional expression evaluates to true, and returns an alternate value if that condition evaluates to false. |
Concatenate(inputText, value) | Concatenates values and returns a text value. |
if(fieldValue condition numberValue) return "colorCodeNumber" | Assigns a color code number based on criteria. |
<font color='#{expression}' style=''>{fieldValue}</font> | Applies color to the text. |
<b>"text"</b> | Bolds the text. |
<em>"text"</em> | Italicizes the text. |
<u>"text"</u> | Underlines the text. |
Proper($feature.<fieldName>, 'everyword')
var t = Left($feature.<fieldName>, <characterNumber>) var u = $feature.<fieldName> IIf(t == " ", "Unknown", u)
if($feature.<fieldName> < <numericValue>){ return "<colorCode>" } if($feature.<fieldName> >= <numericValue> && $feature.<fieldName> < <numericValue2>){ return "<colorCode2>" } if($feature.<fieldName> >= <numericValue2> && $feature.<fieldName> <= <numericValue3>){ return "<colorCode3>" }
var <variableName> = $feature.<fieldName> var <variableName2> = Concatenate($feature.<fieldName2>, " <fieldValue>") var <variableName3> = Concatenate($feature.<fieldName2>, " <fieldValue2>") When( ST == '<variableName2>', <variableName2>, ST == '<variableName3>', <variableName3>)
The image below shows the configured pop-up whereby parts of the text are bold, italicized, underlined, and color-coded based on specific criteria.
Article ID: 000028044
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