Use a layer file in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro created with ArcGIS Online Subscriber data without signing into an Esri Account

Last Published: November 29, 2022


When adding a layer file to ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro that has been saved from Subscriber data from ArcGIS Online, the user is prompted to sign in to their ArcGIS Online account. If the user does not have ArcGIS Online credentials and cannot sign in to an account, a broken data link with a red exclamation point shows next to the layer's name in the table of contents. This is shown in the image below.


When saving a layer file (.lyr in ArcMap and .lyrx in ArcGIS Pro), a file is created that stores the path to a source dataset, and the layer file references its data source using the Data Source Options setting specified for the map document.  The data source for layer files created from ArcGIS Online services references the feature service, as seen in the example below.



Therefore, to access layer files created from ArcGIS Online data sources with subscriber permission such as for the Sentinel-2 View layer, you must be logged in to ArcGIS Online in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro to view it properly without the broken data link.


However, there is a workaround solution to save the service as an item stored with credentials that allows ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro users to open the layer file in the application without having to sign in to ArcGIS Online.


Subscriber data, such as the Sentinel-2 Views layer, can be accessed in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro without being signed into ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Portal by the following workflow:

  1. Add the service as an item with stored credentials to your Organization's portal.
    • Select Store credentials with service item. Do not prompt for authentication. This is shown in the next image.
Add an item from the web, select Store credentials with service item. Do not prompt for authentication
  1. Set the item's Sharing level in your Organization's Portal to Public.
  2. Open ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro.
  3. Sign in to your Organization's portal.
  4. Add the item to the application using Add Data from Portal.
  5. Save and store the item as a layer file.

ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro should now be able to successfully add the layer file to a project without having to sign in to ArcGIS Online.

Article ID: 000028186

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