Update buttons in an ArcGIS QuickCapture project to reflect the web layer symbology

Last Published: July 20, 2023


In ArcGIS QuickCapture, when creating a project using existing feature layers in ArcGIS Online, buttons are generated automatically to represent the types of data defined by the symbology of the chosen layers. Refer to ArcGIS QuickCapture: Create a new project from existing feature layers for more information.

However, the buttons in the ArcGIS QuickCapture project do not update automatically to reflect the changes made to the web layer’s symbology. The image below shows the updated symbology of a web layer titled ‘Single Point feature 01’ in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer.

The latest symbology in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer

The following image shows the buttons in an existing ArcGIS QuickCapture project titled ‘Single Point feature 01’ do not reflect the web layer’s updated symbology.

The outdated buttons in ArcGIS QuickCapture

This article describes how to update the buttons of an existing ArcGIS QuickCapture project when the web layer’s symbology changes.


  1. In ArcGIS QuickCapture, open the existing project.
  2. On the top panel, click Manage project layers Click the Manage project layers button to open the Layers pane..
  3. In the Layers pane, click Add.
  4. In the Select feature layers window, on the MY LAYERS tab, select the feature layer with the updated symbology.
  5. When prompted, check the Create buttons from layer symbology check box, and click Add.
The Select feature layer window

A new group of buttons with the updated symbology is added to the project.

A new group added to the project
  1. On the top panel, click Additional settings Click the Additional settings button to display the drop-down list., click JSON editor, and click Edit when prompted.
  2. In the Project source JSON window, copy the JSON code of the new button from the new group, and paste it in the original group.
The Project source JSON window
To update the existing buttons, copy the updated JSON code from the new group, and replace the existing JSON code in the original group.
  1. In the Project source JSON window, click Preview to review the updated JSON code, and click Done to save the configurations.
The Preview and Done button
  1. Click the new group. In the Group pane, click Delete The Delete button > Delete to delete the group.
Clicking the new group and the Delete button
  1. Click Save to save the configurations of the project.

The image below shows the buttons in the ArcGIS QuickCapture project reflect the latest symbology of the web layer.

The updated buttons reflecting the latest symbology of its web layer

Article ID:000023938

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS QuickCapture

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