Update a .NET proxy page

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The TLS 1.2 update may cause errors in web apps using proxy pages for the following:

  • Accessing cross domain resources.
  • Requests exceeding 2048 characters.
  • Accessing resources secured with token-based authentication.
  • OAuth 2.0 app logins.
  • Enabling logging.
  • Resource and referrer-based rate limiting.

This article provides detailed steps to update a .NET proxy page.


Verify if the proxy uses .NET
  1. Open the browser developer tools and verify if the proxy request status code is 500 Internal Server Error.
Image of the 500 Internal Server Error message
  1. Verify if the .NET proxy page hosted in Internet Information Services (IIS) uses the .ashx extension.
Image of the .ashx extension verification
  1. Launch Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Navigate to Default Web Site > Proxy. Select Basic Settings to open the Edit Application window.
  3. Click Select... to open the Select Application Pool window. Verify the .Net CLR Version is 4.0 and above.
Image of the .Net CLR version in the Select Application Pool window

Download and configure the latest .NET proxy files
  1. Download the latest .NET proxy zip file.
  2. Unzip the file and copy the DotNet folder to a temporary folder.
  3. Navigate to the path of the current proxy installation files. Open proxy.config and copy all content within the <serverUrls> and </serverUrls> tags.
Image of the content of the proxy.config file
  1. Navigate to the new DotNet folder and open the proxy.config file.
  2. Replace the contents within the <serverUrls> and </serverUrls> tags with the content copied in Step 3.
  3. Backup the current proxy installation.
  4. Replace all the files within the proxy installation directory with the new modified files.
  5. Test the proxy page with the following command:
Image of the command to test the proxy page
  1. Test the web app.

Article ID: 000020835

  • Enterprise

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