Set a graduated colors renderer with manual intervals in ArcGIS Pro using Python

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Graduated colors symbology is used to show a quantitative difference between mapped features by varying the color of symbols. Data is classified into ranges that are each assigned a different color from a color scheme to represent the range. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Graduated colors for more information.

It is possible to set a graduated colors renderer using the ArcPy module through the GraduatedColorsRenderer class.


The following steps describe how to set a graduated colors renderer using the ArcPy module:

  1. Import the necessary modules.
import arcpy
  1. Create the parameter to specify the current project and maps.
m = p.listMaps("Map")[0]
lyr = m.listLayers()[0]
sym = lyr.symbology
  1. Run the function to use the GraduatedColorsRenderer class and the color specification.
sym.renderer.colorRamp=p.listColorRamps("Cyan to Purple")[0]
  1. Create the parameters to set the value intervals.
classBreakValues = [25000,150000,1000000,3000000,10000000]
classBreakLabels = ["div 1", "div 2", "div 3", "div 4", "div 5"]
  1. Run the renderer.breakCount function to use the classBreakValues array parameters as the values, and create a counter.
sym.renderer.breakCount = len(classBreakValues)
count = 0
  1. Create a loop to set the renderer.
for brk in sym.renderer.classBreaks:
    brk.upperBound = classBreakValues[count]
    brk.label = classBreakLabels[count]
    count += 1
lyr.symbology = sym

The following shows the full script:

import arcpy

m = p.listMaps("Map")[0]
lyr = m.listLayers()[0]
sym = lyr.symbology

sym.renderer.colorRamp=p.listColorRamps("Cyan to Purple")[0]

classBreakValues = [25000,150000,1000000,3000000,10000000]
classBreakLabels = ["div 1", "div 2", "div 3", "div 4", "div 5"]

sym.renderer.breakCount = len(classBreakValues)
count = 0

for brk in sym.renderer.classBreaks:
    brk.upperBound = classBreakValues[count]
    brk.label = classBreakLabels[count]
    count += 1
lyr.symbology = sym

Article ID: 000020468

  • ArcGIS Pro

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