Set a date range filter in ArcGIS Dashboards Classic

Last Published: May 19, 2022


In some instances, adding a date range filter in ArcGIS Dashboards Classic is required to display date-related records. For example, the number of road accidents, traffic, or weather conditions reported over a period for an area can be shown on the map following the selected date range. Setting the filter on the dashboard edit page enables data for a specified date range to be displayed.

This article provides a workflow to add a date range filter in ArcGIS Dashboards Classic using the date selector.


  1. On the dashboard edit page, click the Add menu, and click Header to add a header.
To add a header in the dashboard edit page
  1. In the Header Panel window, fill in the required sections, and click Done to generate the header.
  2. Expand the menu in the upper-left corner of the header panel, and select Add Date Selector.
The Add Date Selector of the header panel
  1. On the Selector tab, for Type, select Date Picker.
  2. For Input Type, select Range.
  3. Configure the Min Default and Max Default options to set the desired date range.
Configuring the Selector Options in the Selector tab
  1. On the Actions tab, select the layer containing the date field from the Add Target drop-down menu.
  2. Select the date field from the Filter Field drop-down list to display the data based on the set date range.
Selecting the date field from the Filter Field drop-down list in the Actions tab
  1. Click Done in the lower-right corner of the window to add the date selector. Data based on the date range set in Step 6 is displayed on the dashboard.

Article ID: 000017472

  • ArcGIS Dashboards

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