How to run a demographic report for a standard geography in Esri Business Analyst Online

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to run a demographic report for a standard geography in Esri Business Analyst Online.


These steps allow selecting an area of interest by geography. At the end of this workflow, a report of choice may be generated.

  1. Launch and log in to Business Analyst Online.
  2. Create a study area by selecting a location.
  3. Define the study area by selecting from Select Geographies.
  4. Select the drop-down next to Counties by State to select the state of interest.
  5. Click the Counties by State option.
  6. Select the county or counties to add to the map and click the arrow pointing to the right to add them to the study area.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Within the callout, the name of the study area may be edited.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Select 'Get Reports' to select the desired reports for the area of interest.

    Steps 1-3 allow selecting other geographies such as cities, zip codes, MSAs (Minimum Safe Altitude) and other options.


Article ID: 000011205

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