In ArcGIS Pro, after reordering the fields of a feature class within an attribute table and publishing the feature class to ArcGIS Online, the order of the fields is not retained when viewed in ArcGIS Online.
In some instances, it is necessary to retain the reordered fields when opened in ArcGIS Online before continuing to work in the online environment. To do this, attribute field mapping must be used to control how the attribute fields from an input dataset are processed and written to an output dataset, before publishing the output dataset to ArcGIS Online. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Map attribute fields for more information on the attribute field mapping.
The Feature Class to Feature Class tool has a Field Map parameter that provides the ability to reorder the fields of an input feature class and output a new feature class with the reordered field. These instructions describe how to use this tool to retain reordered fields when publishing a feature class from ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Online.
Note: The capability to drag fields in the Output Fields list is only available in ArcGIS Pro 2.0 and later.
Note: OBJECTID and Shape fields are added to the attribute table of the output feature class if the fields do not exist before running the Feature Class to Feature Class tool. This is an expected behaviour. These fields do not persist in the online environment.
Article ID: 000016362
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