In ArcGIS Online, it is possible to replace values of a field using the Replace function in Field Calculator. The Replace function enables users to fix typos, edit or delete values, and rename incorrect or obsolete values for rows of a specific field in an attribute table.
In this example, all Yes values in the Mayor column are replaced with No.
Follow the steps below to replace all values of a field using an Arcade expression in ArcGIS Online.
Replace ($feature.field, ‘initial value’, ‘final value’)
In this example, the Replace function is used to change all ‘Yes’ values to ‘No’ in the Mayor field using the following expression:
Replace ($feature.Mayor, ‘Yes’, ‘No’)
The image below shows an example of the output in the Mayor field.
Note: To replace all values in a field in ArcMap, refer to How To: Remove and replace characters from a field in an attribute table.
Article ID: 000022951
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