In ArcGIS Online, leading text from a string in the attribute table can be removed to optimize data quality and facilitate more reliable geospatial analyses.
This article provides the workflow to remove leading text from a string field and populate the remaining text in a new field using an Arcade expression in the attribute table in ArcGIS Online.
The image below displays the Company field with the text string records.
Note: Skip to Step 3 if the script is run on an existing field.
var <variable1> = Find(' ', $feature.<field_name>, 0) var <variable2> = Count($feature.<field_name>) var <variable3> = <variable2> - <variable1> return Right($feature.<field_name>, <variable3>)
The image below displays the New Company field populated with the values of the Company field without the leading text.
Article ID: 000031838
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