In ArcGIS Experience Builder, widgets such as the Table widget displays numerical field values with the thousand separator (comma). As the widgets reference data from a hosted feature layer, removing the thousand separator from the numerical field values requires creating a new text field mirroring the data from the numeric field. This article provides the workflows to remove the thousand separator (comma) displayed in the Table widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder.
The image below shows the Table widget with the thousand separator (comma) in ArcGIS Experience Builder.
Create a new text field and populate it with values from the numeric field through ArcGIS Online
To edit a hosted feature layer, a user must be the owner of the feature layer, the organization administrator, or a member assigned a role with editing privileges. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Who needs to edit? for more information.
- Sign in to ArcGIS Online and click the Content tab.
- Click My Content and click the web map or hosted feature layer.
- Click the feature layer under Layers in the item details page.
- Add a new text field to the feature layer. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Add fields from the Table view for more information. Select String in the Type drop-down menu.
- Click the new field, select Calculate to open the Calculate Field dialog box, and click Arcade.
- In the Expression dialog box, insert the following Arcade expression. Replace <fieldName> with the numeric field.
- Click Test to view a preview of the expression result. If the required result is achieved, click OK.
- On the ArcGIS Online My Content tab, open the ArcGIS Experience Builder experience to edit the Table widget and configure the fields to display the new text field.
Create a new text field and populate it with values from the numeric field through ArcGIS Pro
- Sign in to ArcGIS Online and click My Content under the Content tab.
- Click the ellipsis icon
by the web map or hosted feature layer, and click Open in ArcGIS Pro to download the .pitemx file. - Open the .pitemx file in ArcGIS Pro.
- Click Edit on the ribbon, and click the Enable editing
button in the Manage Edits group. - In the Contents pane, right-click the feature layer and click Attribute Table to open the attribute table of the feature layer.
- Click the Add Field
button to open the Fields view and create a new text field. Select Text from the drop-down menu in the Data Type column. - Within the Fields view, right-click the edited row and click Save from the context menu.
- In the attribute table view, right-click the newly created field and select Calculate Field to populate the field with values from the numeric field.
- For Expression Type, click the drop-down menu and select Python 3.
- For Expression, double-click the numeric field to be mirrored. In this example, 2019 Total Population is selected.
- Click Verify to run a test of the expression. If the expression is valid, click OK. The text field is populated with values from the numeric field.
- Click Edit on the ribbon, and click the Disable editing
button in the Manage Edits group. - On the item details page of the hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online, click the Data tab.
- In the Table view, click Options > Show/Hide Columns and check the new text field check box to display it in the table.
- On the My Content tab, navigate to and open the ArcGIS Experience Builder experience to edit the Table widget and configure the fields to display the new text field.
The image below shows the Table widget with the thousand separator (comma) removed in ArcGIS Experience Builder.