Often there are situations in which folders must be registered with ArcGIS Enterprise. For example, when publishing from a file geodatabase, or sharing a file geodatabase as a geodata service. See the article: Publishing a geodata service (Linux)
The procedure below describes the steps to register a shared Windows folder on a Linux machine, and assumes the following environment:
Warning: This solution involves modifying the Windows Operating System privacy settings, which is not supported by Esri. Modifying the operating system privacy settings may affect the security and privacy of the applications on the machine.
Note: This prerequisite workflow requires a machine reboot and once completed, the shared folder is ready to be mounted, as described in the steps below.
yum install cifs-utils -y
mount.cifs //<my machine>/<shared folder> /<mount directory>/<my machine> -o username=<Windows Domain Username>,password=<Windows Domain Password>)For example:
mount.cifs //zach/windowsFolder/mnt/samplefolder -o username=Zach9999@domain,password=password
When the folder was mounted to register the folder with ArcGIS Server in Server Manager,the Publisher folder path set to:
\\<Windows Machine>\<Folder> (Windows UNC path)
and the Server folder path takes the form: /.../... (Linux mount). The Publisher Folder Hostname was set to the IP address of the machine hosting the folder.
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