Reassign ownership of ArcGIS Living Atlas content to the default username and group

Last Published: September 9, 2021


ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World content is a collection of authoritative, ready-to-use, global geographic content available from ArcGIS Online. This content is made available to ArcGIS Enterprise, and includes maps, data layers, tools, services, and apps for geographic analysis. Enabling access to this content allows portal members to use ready-made content in combination with their own content.

ArcGIS Living Atlas documentation states the configuration and ownership of the content must not be altered. In some cases, ownership may be accidentally changed. This article provides steps to reassign ownership to the default ArcGIS Living Atlas username and group.


  1. Navigate to the ArcGIS Portal Directory and log in as an administrator. The default path is:
  1. In the User (<name>) window, select the Org ID.
Select the Org ID in the User (name) window.
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Users.
  2. Select the username with current ownership of the ArcGIS Living Atlas content.
  3. Scroll to the bottom, and select User Content.
  4. Under User Content (<name>), select the ArcGIS Living Atlas content from the list of items.
  5. Scroll to the bottom, and click Reassign Item.
  6. In the Target Username text box, enter esri_livingatlas. Click Reassign Item.

Article ID: 000025766

  • Portal for ArcGIS

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