In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, a survey question can be configured in the XLSForm to prepopulate the submitter’s first and last name using the pulldata() function. Certain surveys require submitters to fill in the name question, which can be tedious and is prone to spelling errors. Prepopulating these questions allows submitters to respond to a survey faster and ensures the name questions are not tampered with as they are extracted directly from the signed-in account. The expression is written in a pulldata(“@property”, ‘propertyname’) format. For more information on user properties, refer to ArcGIS Survey123: Device and user properties.
The workflow to prepopulate the submitter's first and last name using the pulldata() function in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect is demonstrated in this article.
Note: To allow submitters to edit the answers, leave the readonly column empty, as default.
pulldata("@property" , 'userFirstName')
pulldata("@property" , 'userLastName')
Note: To prepopulate the full name of the submitters in a single question, replace ‘userFirstName’ or ‘userLastName’ with ‘userFullName’.
The First Name and Last Name questions are prepopulated with the submitter's first and last name in the survey.
Article ID: 000028379
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