Populate survey submissions as points on a map in ArcGIS Experience Builder

Last Published: June 14, 2022


In some cases, survey responses must be displayed as points on a map instantaneously when survey responses are submitted and collected to visualize real-time data collection. This article details the steps to embed surveys and populate survey submissions as points on a web map embedded in ArcGIS Experience Builder when survey responses are submitted.


Location settings must be disabled on the desktop or mobile web browsers when accessing the embedded survey in ArcGIS Experience Builder to display the desired location on the map.

Depending on the suitability, use one of the following options to incorporate geopoints into ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and display them in ArcGIS Experience Builder.

Use the Survey widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder

In this workflow, both the map and survey are embedded in ArcGIS Experience Builder. The ArcGIS Experience Builder app audience can submit a survey response from the embedded survey and the responses are displayed as points on the map in ArcGIS Experience Builder.

  1. Create a new survey in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
The survey must comprise a geopoint and a text question. The geopoint question displays the location of the submitted survey on the map, while the text question displays the response to the survey when the points are populated on the map. For existing surveys, refer to How To: Add a new question to a published survey in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect for more information.
  1. Open ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  2. Click New Survey.
  3. Select Advance Template and click Create Survey.
  4. In the XLSForm, create a survey that includes a geopoint and a text question.
  5. Click Publish to publish the survey.
  1. In ArcGIS Online, configure the basemap of the survey’s hosted feature layer.
    1. Log in to ArcGIS Online.
    2. On the Content page, click the item title of the hosted feature layer to view its item details page.
    3. On the Overview tab of the hosted feature layer, click the drop-down next to the Open in Map Viewer option and select Open in Map Viewer Classic.
    4. In Map Viewer Classic, click Basemap and select a suitable basemap for the map.
    5. Zoom in to the map to get the preferred extent.
    6. Save the map and the changes made to them. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Save maps (Map Viewer Classic) for instructions.
  1. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, unlink the default map from the survey and link it to a new basemap.
    1. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, click the Linked Content tab and select the default map linked to the survey. Click the unlink The unlink map icon. icon to unlink the default map from the survey.
    2. Link a new map to the survey. Refer to the 'Link an online map to your survey' section in ArcGIS Survey123: Include a map in a survey for instructions.
    3. Click the Form tab and click the map The enter map area icon icon. Click the basemap The view basemap icon icon.
    4. Select the linked map as the basemap for the survey. Repeat this step on the Map tab and drag the house Icon to select starting location on map icon to the survey area.
    5. Click Update > Publish to publish the survey with the new basemap.
  1. In ArcGIS Online, add the web map to the survey’s project folder and configure the symbology of the hosted feature layer added to the web map.
    1. In ArcGIS Online, move the web map with the new basemap to the survey project folder and delete the web map, which is created as the default for the survey from the folder. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Manage items for a specific member for instructions.
    2. On the Content page, click the web map to view its item details page.
    3. On the Overview tab of the item details page, click the drop-down next to the Open in Map Viewer option and select Open in Map Viewer Classic.
    4. In Map Viewer Classic, add the survey’s hosted feature layer to the web map. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Search for layers for instructions.
    5. In the Contents pane, browse to the feature layer and configure the preferred symbology for the layer. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Change Style workflow for instructions.
    6. Save the map and the changes made to them. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Save maps (Map Viewer Classic) for instructions.
  1. In ArcGIS Experience Builder, embed both the map and the survey in the same experience.
    1. In ArcGIS Online, click the app launcher button The apps selection options button and click the ArcGIS Experience Builder icon to launch it.
    2. In ArcGIS Experience Builder, click Create new. Select the preferred template and click Create.
    3. On the left panel, click the Add data button on the Data panel to add the map, which is linked to the survey. Click Done.
    4. On the Insert widget panel, search for the Map widget, and drag and drop it into the template.
    5. On the right panel, on the Content tab, under Source, click Select map to select the map linked to the survey.
    6. On the Insert widget panel, search for the Survey widget, and drag and drop it into the template.
    7. On the right panel, on the Content tab, select the select existing survey option and select the survey from the drop-down list. Click Insert after the survey has been selected.
    8. Click Save The save the experience icon. to save the experience and click Publish.

The image below displays both the web map and the survey embedded in ArcGIS Experience Builder. The responses submitted in the survey are reflected as points on the map.

The experience displaying the map and the survey showing the points populated on the map

Use pop-ups to link the survey form to the web map

In this workflow, the survey’s map is embedded in ArcGIS Experience Builder. The pop-up of the feature layers on the map is configured with the link to the survey. When a feature is selected on the map in ArcGIS Experience Builder, a pop-up with the link to the survey is displayed. Clicking the survey link opens a new window to the survey, and once the response is submitted, the points are displayed in ArcGIS Experience Builder after the page is refreshed.

  1. Follow Steps 1 through 4 from the method above.
  2. In the ArcGIS Survey123 web app, configure the share settings of the survey and copy the survey link.
    1. In ArcGIS Online, click the app launcher button Icon that leads to apps selection options. and click the ArcGIS Survey123 icon to launch it.
    2. In ArcGIS Survey123, click the survey, and click the Collaborate tab.
    3. On the Share survey tab, under Who can submit this survey?, check the Everyone (public) check box.
    4. Click Save to save the changes.
    5. In the Share this survey section, copy the survey link.
  1. In ArcGIS Online, configure the pop-up of the layers in the web map.
    1. In ArcGIS Online, add the survey link by configuring the pop-ups of the layers in the web map. Refer to ArcGIS Survey123: Link to Survey123 from another app for instructions.
    2. Save the map and the changes made to them. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Save maps (Map Viewer Classic) for instructions.
  1. In ArcGIS Experience Builder, embed the map with the survey link in the project.
    1. In ArcGIS Online, click the app launcher button Icon that leads to apps selection options. and click the ArcGIS Experience Builder icon to launch it.
    2. In ArcGIS Experience Builder, click Create new. Select the preferred template, and click Create.
    3. On the left panel, click the Add data button on the Data panel to add the map, which is linked to the survey. Click Done.
    4. On the Insert widget panel, search for the Map widget, and drag and drop it into the template.
    5. On the right panel, on the Content tab, under Source, click Select map to select the map linked to the survey.
    6. Click Save Icon to save the experience. to save the experience and click Publish.

The image below displays the pop-up with a link to the survey when the feature is selected in ArcGIS Experience Builder.

Pop-up link for the survey is displayed in a experience.

Article ID: 000027615

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Experience Builder
  • ArcGIS Survey123 Connect
  • ArcGIS Survey123 Website

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