Modify database name values in a survey's feature layer from the ArcGIS Survery123 website

Last Published: April 29, 2022


When a user exports survey results from the Data tab of the ArcGIS Survey123 website as a CSV file, Excel file or file geodatabase, the database name values are displayed in the table instead of the user-specified labels. This is by design.

Comparison of attributes in ArcGIS Survey123 and ArcGIS Online

The name values follow the syntax of the database name values in ArcGIS Online; white spaces and special characters are not permitted. By default, the text for name values is set to lowercase. It is sometimes necessary to modify the stored name values before publishing the survey form. This article provides the steps to modify the name values using the Modify Schema settings on the ArcGIS Survey123 website before publishing the survey form.


The name values can only be modified in the schema preview of the survey's feature layer in ArcGIS Survey123 before publishing a survey for the first time. Once published, changes to existing questions are not allowed.
  1. Navigate to to launch the ArcGIS Survey123 website.
  2. Create a new survey, or modify an existing survey form. Refer to ArcGIS Survey123: Guided tour for more information.
  3. Add a survey question with choices. Save the survey.
If valid changes are made to an existing survey form, a red dot is displayed on the top-right of Publish. Red dot displayed on the top-right of Publish
  1. Edit the name values of the choice list in the survey schema.
The Name column displays the stored database name values. A pencil icon is displayed when hovering over a name value if it can be modified for a choice-based survey question.
  1. In the Publish Survey pane, click Modify schema.
  2. Edit the name values. White spaces and special characters such as ;-/$.() are not allowed.
  3. Click Publish.
  1. Collect the survey results and export them from the Data tab on the ArcGIS Survey123 website.

The image below shows the modified name values of the exported table in ArcGIS Online.

The appended table in ArcGIS Online without the underscore and unique characters

Article ID: 000024344

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Survey123 Website

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