Install ArcGIS API for Python outside of ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: April 25, 2020


ArcGIS API for Python is a package included with ArcGIS Pro. However, ArcGIS API for Python is contained within a conda package distribution, and does not require any license. It can be installed outside of ArcGIS Pro. For machines that do not have ArcGIS Pro installed, such as server machines with ArcGIS Enterprise, having a stand-alone ArcGIS API for Python installed can help simplify processes.

Note: While ArcGIS API for Python is Esri supported, Anaconda Distribution is not. It is a third-party product outside of the ArcGIS Pro installation, and therefore, may fall outside the scope of standard support.


The following steps describe how to install ArcGIS API for Python without or outside of ArcGIS Pro:

Note: If the machine with ArcGIS Pro is used in an offline environment, the steps provided can be useful, especially if Anaconda Distribution is downloaded using a different machine.
  1. Download and install Anaconda Distribution for Python version 3. Download the software through this link, Anaconda Distribution.
Note: ArcGIS API for Python requires Python version 3.5 or later. Refer to ArcGIS API for Python: System requirements for more information.
  1. Once installed, open Anaconda Navigator.
  2. Select Environments from the sidebar, and click Create to create a new environment.
    1. Specify a name for the environment.
    2. Select 3.5 or later from the Python drop-down box.
    3. Click Create.
The image of the Create new environment window
  1. Select the newly created environment to enable the selection arrow.
  2. Click the arrow, and select Open Terminal to open the command prompt.
The image of the Open Terminal button
  1. Enter the following command to install the arcgis packages:
conda install -c esri ArcGIS
The image of the command prompt
Note: The command lists all the packages to be installed.
  1. Enter y when prompted. ArcGIS API for Python is available for use using Jupyter Notebook or in a stand-alone script.

Article ID: 000022005

  • ArcGIS API for Python 1 x

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