Import the schema from one feature class to another feature class

Last Published: August 14, 2023


A schema defines the physical structure of the geodatabase along with rules, relationships, and properties of each dataset in the geodatabase. Schemas can be imported from a feature class to another feature class to maintain the structure of the database. The instructions provided describe how to import the schema from one feature class to another feature class.


Create a new feature class and import the schema from the desired feature class.

This option is suitable if wanting to copy a schema to a feature class that resides in the same geodatabase to avoid the existing domain to be re-created. However, this method does not import the relationship classes.

  1. In the Catalog window, right-click a new geodatabase > New > Feature Class.
  2. Set the name and type of the feature class. Click Next.
If the data contains 3D data, check the Coordinates include Z values. Used to store 3D data. check box.
  1. Select the appropriate coordinate system. Click Next.
If the new feature class contains Z values, leave the coordinate system for Z coordinates to default, and click Next.
  1. Leave the XY Tolerance to its default value. Click Next.
  2. Leave the Configuration Keyword to Default. Click Next.
  3. Click the Import button and select the feature class with the desired schema to be replicated.
  4. Click Finish. The schema is replicated in the new feature class.

Export the schema to a XML workspace document and import the schema from the XML workspace document in the new feature class.

Requires ArcGIS Desktop Standard or Advanced license.
  1. Select the geodatabase, feature dataset, feature class, or table, and export to an XML workspace document. Refer to ArcMap: Exporting a geodatabase schema to an XML workspace document for more information.
  2. Select the desired geodatabase to import the geodatabase schema from the previously exported XML workspace document. Refer to ArcMap: Importing a geodatabase schema from an XML workspace document for more information.

Use Extract Data Wizard. This wizard allows users to select only a subset of the datasets and properties to extract.

Requires ArcGIS for Desktop Standard or Advanced license and the Production Mapping license.

Refer to ArcMap: Copying a geodatabase schema using Extract Data Wizard in ArcMap for more information.

Article ID:000013772

  • ArcMap

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