Hide null values or null value counts from the ArcGIS Dashboards elements

Last Published: December 5, 2023


Incorporating elements into a dashboard facilitates purposeful data visualization. In certain circumstances, datasets added to the dashboard may include fields containing null values. Hiding the null values or null value counts from the ArcGIS Dashboards elements is necessary to project a focused data representation. The image below shows details, indicator, serial chart, and pie chart elements displaying null values or null value counts.

Details, indicator, serial chart, and pie chart elements diaplaying null values and null value counts on a dashboard.

This article provides the workflow to hide null values or null value counts from the ArcGIS Dashboards elements by applying a filter to each element.


This workflow applies to serial chart, pie chart, table, list, gauge, indicator, and details elements.
  1. In ArcGIS Dashboards, click Create dashboard, fill in the required sections, and click Create dashboard in the lower-right corner.
  2. On the dashboard toolbar, click Add element The Add element button. on the dashboard toolbar and select an element.
  3. In the Select a layer window, click Browse all layers and select the desired layer.
The Browse all layers option.
  1. In the element configuration window, configure the element. In this example, the serial chart element is configured. Refer to ArcGIS Dashboards: Configure an element for more information.
The Serial chart element configuration window.
  1. Apply a filter on the element.
    1. On the Data tab, for Filter, click + Filter.
The + Filter button.
  1. Click the Field for the condition drop-down list and select the field with the null values.
The Field for the condition drop-down button.
  1. For the operator section under the Field for the condition list, click the drop-down list and select is not null.
The operator section under the Field for the condition list.
  1. Repeat Step 5 to hide the null values or null value counts for other elements.
  2. In the element configuration window, click Done.
The Cancel and Done buttons in the element configuration window.
  1. On the dashboard toolbar, click Save > Save to save the changes.
The Save and Save as buttons on the dashboard toolbar.

The image below shows the null values and null value counts are now hidden from the elements.

Details, indicator, serial chart, and pie chart elements with null values and null value counts hidden from display on a dashboard.

Article ID: 000031515

  • ArcGIS Dashboards

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