It is sometimes necessary to access information on the date and time a service is published to ArcGIS Server when performing updates on the service. However, this information is not available in ArcGIS Server Manager. This article provides two workflows to find the date and time a service is published to ArcGIS Server.
From the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory
Follow this workflow to access information on the date and time a service is published, started, and last modified from the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory.
Timestamps on when the service is published, started, and last modified are displayed in the LifeCycle Information section.
From the service's metadata
When working offline, follow the workflow below to find the date and time a service is published. However, additional information on when the service is started or last modified is not available in the service's metadata XML document.
The date and time the service is published to ArcGIS Server are displayed in the <CreaDate> and <CreaTime> tags. The date is displayed in the YYYYMMDD format, and the time is displayed in the hhmmssss format.
Article ID: 000028704
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