Extract the area of a netCDF raster layer in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: August 7, 2023


In ArcGIS Pro, a network Common Data Form (netCDF) raster layer is created from a netCDF file to display multidimensional scientific data. The specific area of the netCDF raster layer can be extracted based on the polygon feature class using the Extract by Mask tool, the Clip Raster tool, or the Clip function. This method is useful for subsequent analyses and modeling that involve a dimension, such as a windstorm model in a specific region. The workflow provided in this article involves preserving pixel values by exporting the netCDF raster layer to another raster format. The exported raster file is then used as the input raster for the tools.


The Extract by Mask tool requires a Spatial Analyst license.
  1. Open the project in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. In the Contents pane, right-click the netCDF raster layer, click Data > Export Raster.
  3. Export the netCDF raster layer to another raster format. In this example, the netCDF raster layer is exported to the TIFF format.
    1. In the Export Raster pane, for Output Raster Dataset, specify a location and name to export the output raster.
    2. For Output Format, select TIFF from the drop-down list.
    3. Click Export.
The netCDF raster layer must be exported to another raster format to prevent incorrect pixel values in the extracted output.
  1. Extract the area of the raster layer using the Extract by Mask tool, the Clip tool, or the Clip function. Refer to the Procedure section of the Knowledge Base article, How To: Clip a grid layer to a specific polygon shape in ArcGIS Pro, for instructions.
If the Extract by Mask tool is used, select the exported netCDF raster layer for Input raster and select Inside for Extraction Area.
The Extract by Mask pane

The map below shows the output raster layer with the pixel values within the feature mask data.

The extracted raster layer within a mask

Article ID: 000030823

  • ArcGIS Pro 3 1
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 0
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 9x

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