Export logs from the ArcGIS QuickCapture mobile app

Last Published: April 29, 2024


When errors occur in the ArcGIS QuickCapture mobile app, the error description provides some insight into the issue. However, logs within the mobile app pinpoints the issue and are often more descriptive with the error code. The logs can be exported to a ZIP file attached to an email for easier inspection and this article provides the workflow.


  1. Open the ArcGIS QuickCapture app on a mobile device.
  2. On the top left corner, tap the profile icon.
The profile icon in the ArcGIS QuickCapture mobile app
  1. Tap and hold About for seven seconds to activate the developer mode. The Reset option is displayed when the mode is activated.
The About tab on the profile page and the Reset tab displayed when the developer mode is activated
  1. Tap Settings.
  2. On the Settings page, under DEVELOPER OPTIONS, toggle Logging on. Logging is enabled and the event logs during data collection are written to a log file.
  3. Tap Send diagnosis to export the log file. For iOS devices, an email composer is opened with the attachment containing the log file. For Android devices, select an email app to open the email composer, as shown in the sample images below.
  • For iOS Devices
The Logging toggle button and Send diagnosis button on the Settings page The email prompt displayed when exporting the log file. The log file is stored in the zipped file attached to the email
  • For Android Devices
The Logging toggle button and Send diagnosis button on the Settings page The email app options on Android devices The email prompt opened when exporting the log file. The log file is stored in the zipped file attached to the email
  1. In the email composer, specify a receiver and send the email.

The image below shows the exported ArcGIS QuickCapture log file in the email attachment, which can be downloaded from the sent email.

The log file stored inside the zipped file
To deactivate the developer mode, tap and hold About for seven seconds until the Reset option is removed from the display.

Article ID: 000032322

  • ArcGIS QuickCapture

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