Enable time on a layer in ArcGIS Online and create a web app with time animation

Last Published: February 1, 2021


Layers can be time-enabled to highlight changes in data over time. This can be anything from population change to crime rates, using animation to demonstrate these changes over time.

Time-enabled layers can be created in ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro) or ArcGIS Online. These layers can be added to a web map or used to create a web application to share the time animation. This can be achieved with the Media Map template in Configurable Apps.

Follow the steps below to enable time on layers in ArcGIS Online and turn the web map into a web app.


  1. Enable Time Settings of a layer in ArcGIS Online. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Enable time on layers for more information.
To enable time settings on a layer, the layer must be published to ArcGIS Online with a date field. The Time Settings option is unavailable if a hosted feature layer does not have a date field.
Image of the Time Settings in the item details page.
  1. Add the time-enabled layer to a web map. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Add layers to maps for more information.
When a time-enabled layer is added to a web map, time animation and time settings are enabled.
Image of the Time Settings in Map Viewer.
  1. Create a web app of the web map.
    1. Open the item details page for the web map.
    2. Click Create Web App > Configurable Apps.
Image of selecting Create Web App and Configurable Apps in the item details page.
  1. Select the Media Map template. When the app editor opens for the first time, it displays in Express Setup mode.
  2. Click the Full Setup button Image of selecting Full Setup in the Media Map template. and click Switch.
Image of selecting Switch in the Media Map template.
  1. Click Interactivity > Time.
Image of selecting Interactivity and Time in the Media Map template.
  1. Enable the Time option. Configure the timeline bar settings. Notice that that timeline shows both full date and years.
Image of the timeline bar with the timeline showing full date and years.

Article ID: 000024836

  • ArcGIS Online

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