This article describes the steps to embed a Google Calendar in ArcGIS Dashboards via an HTML embed code.
Get the iFrame code from the desired Google Calendar
- Follow the steps outlined in the following link to copy the HTML iFrame code for the desired Google Calendar:
- Add a Google calendar to your website - Google Calendar Help
- On Step 3 of this Google Calendar Help article, select the name of the desired calendar under the Settings for my calendars section on the left-hand panel.
- Step 5 of this article is where the embed code (and embedded calendar) can be customized as needed, for example, background color, height and width, etc.
- After the customizations are completed, copy the Embed code at the top of the page, as shown in the next image.
Set up the ArcGIS Dashboard
- Navigate to the ArcGIS Dashboards page and find the desired Dashboard (or create a new Dashboard), and click the Edit icon.
- In the Dashboard's Edit window, click the Add element icon.
- Click the Add (+) button in the desired location for the embedded Google Calendar.
- Select Rich Text as the type of element to create.
- In the Rich Text element's configuration page, in text box controls, click the <>Source button, as shown in the next image.
- Paste the embed code copied in Step 2 of the previous procedure in the text box.
- Click the <>Source button again to preview the embedded Google Calendar.
- If all appears correct, click Done to add the embedded calendar to the Dashboard.
- Otherwise, the embed code can be edited manually by clicking the <>Source button again, or by going back to Step 5 of the Google Calendar Help article linked above and editing further there and re-copying/pasting the embed code into the Rich Text element.