Embed a YouTube video in ArcGIS Dashboards

Last Published: July 21, 2023


It is possible to embed video content in ArcGIS Dashboards to provide additional visual information of the locations on the web map, and this article describes the workflow to embed a YouTube video.


  1. Navigate to the ArcGIS Dashboards page. Select the dashboard, and click theĀ Edit icon.
The image of the ArcGIS Dashboards page.
  1. In ArcGIS Dashboards, click the Add element icon. Click the Add icon and select Embedded Content.
The image of the Embedded Content option being selected.
  1. On the Data tab, select Static as the data type in the Data Options pane.
  2. Select the Document button for Content Type.
  3. Insert the URL for the YouTube video in the following format:
The '' format is used instead of the standard YouTube URL due to stipulations in the X-Frame-Options policy.

The following image shows the URL input field using the '' format for a YouTube video URL ( The video ID, 'pg7ByVZo_sg', is extracted from the URL.

The image of the 'Embedded content' configurations window.
  1. Click Done.

Article ID: 000023255

  • ArcGIS Online

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