Display URLs as hyperlinks in the table element in ArcGIS Dashboards

Last Published: July 15, 2022


In ArcGIS Dashboards, the table element can be configured to display a layer’s attribute. However, unlike in a Map Viewer pop-up, when a string field containing URLs is added to the table element in a dashboard, the URLs are displayed as texts instead of hyperlinks.

The table element in ArcGIS Dashboards displaying URLs as texts.

This article demonstrates the workflow to display the URLs as hyperlinks in the table element using a custom Arcade expression. In this example, the URLs are stored under the URLRef field in the hosted feature layer.


  1. In ArcGIS Dashboards, hover over the ellipsis in the upper-left corner of the table element, and click Configure The Configure icon..
The Configure icon from the drop-down located in the upper-left corner of the table element .
  1. In the Table window, click the Values tab.
  2. In the Value options pane, for Advanced formatting, click Enable.
  3. In the Expression box, navigate to the displayText property for the field containing the URLs.
The Expression box with the Arcade expression for the table element.
  1. Return an anchor tag, <a> between two backticks (`). Replace $datapoint["<field name>"] in displayText with the following expression. Replace <field name> with the name of the field containing the URLs.
`<a href="${$datapoint["<field name>"]}" target="blank"><Text></a>`

This is the full displayText Arcade expression used in this example.

displayText: `<a href="${$datapoint["URLRef"]}" target="blank">Link to Wikipedia</a>`,
The custom displayText Arcade expression for the table element.
  1. Click Done.

The URLs are displayed as hyperlinks in the table element.

The table element in ArcGIS Dashboards displaying hyperlinks.

Article ID: 000028030

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Dashboards

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