Display unique values using a filter in the ArcGIS Instant Apps Sidebar template

Last Published: May 17, 2024


In the ArcGIS Instant Apps Sidebar template, displaying unique values using a filter can be accomplished by configuring the attribute filter. An attribute filter is configured to provide additional information about the data by displaying features based on specific field values in a side panel. A dropdown, also known as a select box, presents a list of unique values and works well when there are discrete options that can be selected. This article provides the workflow to display unique values using a filter in the ArcGIS Instant Apps Sidebar template.


  1. Log in to ArcGIS Instant Apps and click the My Apps tab.
  2. Browse to the app and click Configure The Configure button .
  3. In the configuration panel, toggle Express off to access the full configuration settings for the app.
The Express toggle button in the configuration panel
  1. In the Turn off express mode window, click Continue. Turning off express mode allows for more custom configuration to be done on the app.
The Turn off express mode window
  1. Click Sidebar and toggle Attribute filter on.
The Sidebar panel
  1. In the Sidebar panel, click + Add filter.
The Add filter button in the Sidebar panel
  1. Expand the Choose a layer to set up a filter drop-down menu, select the desired layer, and click Next step.
The Choose a layer to set up a filter drop-down menu
  1. In the Add filter pane, configure the following settings.
    1. Specify a name for Layer display name. In this example, the layer display name is SubstationsWA.
    2. Expand the Filter results drop-down menu and select Match all expressions.
    3. Click Next step.
The Add filter panel configuration
The filter results can be refined into two categories: ‘Match all expressions’, which shows results fulfilling all selected filters, and ‘Match any expressions’, which shows results fulfilling at least one selected filter.
  1. In the Edit filter pane, configure the following settings.
    1. For Filter type, click User input.
    2. Expand the User input filter drop-down menu and select the desired field layer. In this example, the user input filter is Megawatts.
    3. Specify a name for Filter display name. In this example, the filter display name is Megawatts WA.
    4. For Display option, click Drop-down to select unique values.
    5. Specify a name for Placeholder text. In this example, the placeholder text is Megawatts (MW).
    6. Click Save.
The Filter type panel configuration

The image below presents a filter displaying the unique values in the ArcGIS Instant Apps Sidebar template.

The ArcGIS Instant Apps Sidebar template with a filter displaying the unique values

Article ID: 000032481

  • Configurable Web Apps

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