Display dynamic texts on an indicator in ArcGIS Dashboards

Last Published: June 9, 2023


Indicators in ArcGIS Dashboards can be added to the dashboard to provide a summary statistic or numerical properties of specific features.

This article provides the steps to configure the indicator to display dynamic texts and related statistics for better clarity in ArcGIS Dashboards. The image below displays the indicator displaying different sums of fatalities based on the events selected.

Selecting different event categories in ArcGIS Dashboards


  1. Open the ArcGIS Dashboards item. Click Add element on the dashboard toolbar and place an indicator element for the category field in the dashboard.
  2. Select Indicator, and select a layer.
  3. In the Data tab of the Indicator dialog box, configure the following Data options parameters.
    1. For Value type, select Feature.
    2. For Value field, click the dropdown list and select one of the integer fields available.
    3. For Maximum features displayed, change the default value to one.
Configuring the Data options parameters in the Indicator dialog box
  1. Click the Indicator tab, and configure the following Indicator options parameters.
    1. For Top text, click the Insert fields button The Insert fields icon and select the category field. In this example, {event_type} is selected.
    2. If there are other fields to be displayed for Middle text and Bottom text, remove them.
Configuring the Indicator options parameters in the Indicator dialog box
  1. Click the General tab, and configure the following General options parameters.
    1. Expand the No selection dropdown list and click Edit to edit the label when no category is selected.
    2. Type All and configure the font format accordingly.
    3. Click Done.
Configuring the General options parameters in the Indicator dialog box
  1. Click Add element on the dashboard toolbar, hold the Shift key to group the indicator element for the statistic field in the dashboard.
  2. Select Indicator, and select a layer.
  3. In the Data tab of the Indicator dialog box, configure the following Data options parameters.
    1. For Value type, select Statistic.
    2. For Statistic, click the dropdown list and select Sum.
    3. For Field, select the integer field to be displayed. In this example, fatalities is selected.
  4. Click the Indicator tab, and configure the following Indicator options parameters.
    1. For Middle text, ensure the field to be displayed is {value}.
    2. If the thousand separator is required, expand Value formatting and toggle off Unit prefix.
    3. Click Done.
  5. Click Layout on the dashboard toolbar.
  6. In the Layout pane, click either Header or Sidebar to reserve an area for hosting selectors. In this example, Header is selected.
  7. Click Add header, provide a Title for the header, and click Done.
  8. In the Layout pane, click Add selector, and select Category selector.
  9. In the Data tab of the Category selector dialog box, configure the following Data options parameters.
    1. For Categories from, select Grouped values and select a layer.
    2. For Category field, click the dropdown list and select the category field. In this example, event_type is selected.
    3. For Maximum categories, ensure the number of categories to be displayed is adequate.
Configuring the Data options parameters in the Category selector dialog box
  1. Click the Selector tab, and configure the following Selector options parameters.
    1. Toggle on None option.
    2. Type All for Label for none.
Configuring the Selector options parameters in the Category selector dialog box
  1. Click the Actions tab, and configure the following Actions parameters.
    1. Expand the Filter dropdown list, toggle on the target for the category field indicator, and check the Render only when filtered check box.
    2. Toggle on the target for the statistic field indicator.
    3. Click Done.
Configuring the Actions parameters in the Category selector dialog box

Article ID: 000030280

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Dashboards

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