Display a static count in an ArcGIS Dashboards indicator with a filtered selector

Last Published: December 20, 2022


Configuring filter actions on selectors allows the page visitors to view focused and relevant numerical attributes or a summary statistic on an indicator. In some instances, it is necessary to display a static count of a reference value in the indicator to compare with the calculated value of an attribute field.

In this example, the indicator displays the calculated value of public schools in Portland based on the selected category. This article provides instructions to display a static count in the ArcGIS Dashboards indicator with a filtered selector.

The selector and indicator element in ArcGIS Dashboards


  1. In ArcGIS Dashboards, add the indicator element and selector. Refer to ArcGIS Dashboards: Add elements or ArcGIS Dashboards: Add a selector for instructions.
  2. Configure the map element to apply the filter action. Refer to ArcGIS Dashboards: Filter data for more information on filters and ArcGIS Dashboards: Configure actions for elements for instructions to configure actions for elements.
  3. Hover over the indicator and click More options The more options button > Configure.
The configure button.
  1. In the Indicator window, click the Data tab.
The Data tab in the Indicator window
  1. On the Data tab, expand the Reference section.
The Reference section on the Data tab
  1. For Reference type, select Statistic from the drop-down list.
The drop-down list of the Reference type
  1. For Statistic, select Count, and for Field, select OBJECTID.
The Statistic and Field parameters
  1. Click the Indicator tab.
The Indicator tab in the Indicator window
  1. On the Indicator tab, for Bottom text delete {reference}.
The {reference} field under the Bottom text area
  1. Click the General tab.
The General tab in the Indicator window
  1. Navigate to Description and click Edit.
Edit button for the description.
  1. Add the description. Navigate to the preferred space in the sentence to display the reference value, click the The formula drop-down button drop-down, and select reference.
The formula drop-down button and the formula list
Optionally, to change the font color for the reference value, highlight {reference} in the description box and click the Text Color drop-down. Select the preferred color to distinguish the reference value.
The highlighted reference value and Text Color drop-down button in the text box
  1. Click Done to save the changes.
The Cancel and Done buttons.
In this example, the reference value in the description is displayed as a static count representing the total number of schools in Portland, while the category selector filters the calculated value of private or public schools in Portland.
GIF displays cursor clicking Private and Public category selector buttons alternately, and the indicator displays both the calculated and reference values.

Article ID: 000028913

  • ArcGIS Dashboards

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