Differentiate the index feature in a map series in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: July 30, 2024


Displaying multiple features on the same page in a map series is helpful as it reveals adjacent features and provides spatial context. Distinguishing the main feature from other visible features indicates to the reader how the dynamic elements, such as page names or attributes, correspond to the index feature on the page.

This article describes the workflow to differentiate the index feature on each page of the spatial map series in ArcGIS Pro by applying distinct symbology and using a page query to filter the features.


  1. Open the ArcGIS Pro project.
  2. In the layout view, insert a map frame and create a spatial map series. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Insert a map frame and ArcGIS Pro: Steps to create a spatial map series for instructions.
  3. In the Contents pane, create a copy of the map series index layer and apply a different symbology to highlight the index feature on each page.
    1. On the Drawing Order tab of the layout Contents pane, right-click the layer used for the map series and select Copy.
    2. Right-click the map, select Paste, and rename the pasted layer. This layer is used to highlight the relevant index feature on the map series page. In this example, the layer is renamed Index Large Parcels.
    3. Right-click the renamed layer and select Symbology. In the Symbology pane, customize the symbology. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Apply symbology to feature layers for further instructions.
  4. Apply a page query to filter the index feature of each page in the map series.
    1. On the Drawing Order tab of the layout Contents pane, right-click the renamed layer and select Properties.
    2. In the Layer Properties window, click the Page Query tab.
    3. Click the drop-down list and select the field used for the index layer.
    4. Select Match to filter the index feature on the map. The parameter is set to Match to apply the symbology that matches the selected index feature.
    5. Click ApplyOK.
The page filter set to Match in the Layer Properties window for the highlighted layer.
  1. Apply a page query to the other visible features on the map series page.
    1. On the Drawing Order tab of the layout Contents pane, right-click the map series index layer and select Properties.
    2. In the Layer Properties window, click the Page Query tab.
    3. Click the drop-down list and select the field used for the index layer.
    4. Select Don’t Match to display the other visible features with the primary symbology. The parameter is set to Don't Match to contradict the symbology set in Step 4(d).
    5. Click ApplyOK.
The page filter set to Don't Match in the Layer Properties window for the visible features.

The image below shows the index feature differentiated on the map series page in ArcGIS Pro.

The highlighted index feature on the map series page.

Article ID: 000033146

  • ArcGIS Pro 3 1
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 3
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 2

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