Determine the maximum number of users per user type using ArcGIS API for Python

Last Published: May 3, 2024


With ArcGIS Online Subscription and ArcGIS Enterprise licenses, there are limited number of users allowed for each available user type. It is important to identify the maximum number of users allowed for each user type to manage the flow and to avoid exceeding the quota, as described in the following knowledge base article, Error: Your organization has reached the maximum number of members your current subscription allows. The workflow provided describes the steps to programatically determine the number of assigned users and the maximum number of users allowed for each user type in the subscription and license using ArcGIS API for Python.


The script can be run standalone and in ArcGIS Notebook.
  1. Import the necessary modules and specify the credentials.
from arcgis.gis import GIS
import pandas as pd

#For ArcGIS Online
gis = GIS("<ORGANIZATION_URL>", "<username>", "<password>")

#For Portal for ArcGIS
gis = GIS("https://<machine>.<domain>.com/<web_adaptor_name>", "<username>", "<password>", verify_cert=False)
  1. Assign the license_type properties to the parameter.
licenses = gis.users.license_types
  1. Run a loop to iterate between all user types and obtain the maximum number of users.
for license in licenses:
    print (license["id"], license["name"], license["maxUsers"])
  1. Print the total assigned user types.
user_type_assigned = gis.users.counts("user_type", as_df=True)

Below is the full script for Portal for ArcGIS.

from arcgis.gis import GIS
import pandas as pd

#For Portal for ArcGIS
gis = GIS("", "username1", "password1!", verify_cert=False)

licenses = gis.users.license_types

for license in licenses:
    print (license["id"], license["name"], license["maxUsers"])

user_type_assigned = gis.users.counts("user_type", as_df=True)

Article ID: 000032561

  • ArcGIS Online
  • Portal for ArcGIS
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 11 0
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 11 1
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 11 3
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 11 2

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