Large enterprise data management systems involve multiple deployment environments including development, testing, performance, training, and production. When debugging a spatial issue in a particular environment, it is useful to compare metadata from the same layer in one or more environments. The describe_long SDE command in ArcSDE operations simplifies the process, however, it cannot be used in ArcMap. Instead, mimic the use of the SDE command with the ArcPy module.
The following steps describe how to mimic the describe_long SDE command.
from arcpy import env import arcpy import datetime
workspc = r"C:\Users\Test\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.7\ArcCatalog\TEST_sde.sde" env.workspace = workspc
class LayerDesc: def __init__(self, workspc, layerTable, fcName): self.workspc = workspc self.layerTable = layerTable self.fcName = fcName def getConnectionProps(self): workspcDesc = arcpy.Describe(self.workspc) cp = workspcDesc.connectionProperties print "Connection and Feature Class Description:" print "%-12s %s" % ("\tServer:", cp.server) print "%-12s %s" % ("\tInstance:", cp.instance) print "%-12s %s" % ("\tDatabase:", cp.database) def querySDELayer(self): fcDesc = arcpy.Describe(self.fcName) spatial_ref = fcDesc.spatialReference spatialIndexes = arcpy.ListIndexes(self.fcName) if == "Unknown": print("{0} has an unknown spatial reference".format(self.fcName)) else: srName = spatRefString = spatial_ref.exportToString() srDomain = spatial_ref.domain.split(" ") srPCSCode = spatial_ref.PCSCode srGCSCode = spatial_ref.GCSCode zUnits = spatial_ref.ZFalseOriginAndUnits.split(" ") xyTolerance = spatial_ref.XYTolerance xyResolution = spatial_ref.XYResolution siExists = fcDesc.hasSpatialIndex try: conn = arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute(workspc) sql = "SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE table_name = '{1}'".format(self.layerTable, self.fcName) sde_return = conn.execute(sql) except: try: conn = arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute(workspc) sql = "SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE table_name = '{1}'".format(self.layerTable, self.fcName) sde_return = conn.execute(sql) except: try: conn = arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute(workspc) sqlOra = "SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE table_name = '{1}'".format(self.layerTable, self.fcName) sde_return = conn.execute(sqlOra) except Exception as err: print sql print err sde_return = False if len(str(sde_return)) > 0: if sde_return == True: print "\tNo Layer ID found" else: for val in sde_return: print "\tLayer ID: {0}".format(val[0]) print "\tLayer Description: {0}".format(val[1]) print "\tOwner: {0}".format(val[4]) print "\tShape Type: {0}".format(fcDesc.shapeType) if spatial_ref.isHighPrecision == True: print "\tHigh Precision: True" else: print "\tHigh Precision: False" if val[6] != 1213464721: print "eflag value: {0}".format(str(val[6])) print "\tI/O Mode: Normal" else: print "eflag value: {0}".format(str(val[6])) print "\tI/O mode: LOAD ONLY" print "Spatial Reference Properties:" print "\tLayer Envelope:" print "\t\tMin X: {0}\t Min Y: {1}".format(val[11], val[12]) print "\t\tMax X: {0}\t Max Y: {1}".format(val[13], val[14]) if siExists == True: print "\tSpatial Index: Yes" for index in spatialIndexes: if[0] == "S" or[0] == 's': print "\t\t--> " + else: print "\tSpatial Index: No" print "\t\tGrid 1: {0}".format(val[8]) print "\t\tGrid 2: {0}".format(val[9]) print "\t\tGrid 3: {0}".format(val[10]) print "\tXY Tolerance: {0}".format(xyTolerance) print "\tXY Resolution %d.5" % xyResolution print "\tXY Domain:" print "\t\t" + srDomain[0] + " " + srDomain[2] print "\t\t" + srDomain[1] + " " + srDomain[3] print "\tZ Offset: {0}".format(zUnits[0]) print "\tZ Units: {0}".format(zUnits[1]) print "\tCoordinate System : {0}".format(srName) print "\tSpatial Reference: {0}".format(spatRefString) if srPCSCode > 0: print "\t Projected Coordinate System Code:: {0}".format(srPCSCode) else: print "\tUndefined Projected Coordinate System" if srGCSCode > 0: print "\tGeographic Coordinate System Code:: {0}".format(srGCSCode) else: print "\tUndefined Geographic Coordinate System" print "\tCreation Date: " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(val[19])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: print "Error reading layer ID" return sde_return
test = LayerDesc(workspc, "sde.sde_layers", "roads") test.getConnectionProps() test.querySDELayer()
Article ID: 000018034
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