Define a coordinate system interactively for a coverage

Last Published: April 25, 2020


To define a projection for a coverage, you can select a map projection and specify its parameters interactively using ArcToolBox.


For this example we will assume that the coverage, to be defined, is stored with the following parameters:

Coordinate System: Geographic
Units: Decimal Degree
Datum: NAD 1927
Spheroid: Clarke 1866

  1. Start ArcToolBox.
  2. Open Data Management Tools > Projections toolbox.
  3. Double-click Define Projection Wizard (coverages, grids, and TINs).
  4. Select Define the coordinate system interactively.
  5. Browse to the coverage.
  6. Select the coverage and click Add.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Scroll the projections list, select Geographic, and click Next.

    This is based on the above parameters, the projection that you select will be based on the projection that the coverage is stored in.

  9. Set Units to DD.
  10. Select NAD 1927 (US-NADCON) for the Datum.
  11. Select Clarke 1866 for the Spheroid.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Review the Summary and click Finish.

Article ID: 000004611

  • ArcMap 8 x

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