Customize a Single House address locator to return potential house numbers and not just the exact house number

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to modify a user created address locator based on the US Address Single House style to return candidates for addresses near the exact house number. The Single House locator style does not index the house number at ArcGIS version 10.x, which is different from the ArcGIS version 9.x 'One Address locator style' locators. Since the house number is a lookup by default, no candidates are returned if the exact house number is not entered in the input address. This grammar element change makes the locator a little bit slower.


Prior to modifying the existing address, make a copy of the *.loc.xml in the folder where the address locator is stored and ensure the user has write permissions to this folder.
Notepad++ is an example of a text editor that can be used to modify the XML file.
  1. Browse to the directory with the locator. Open the "YourLocatorName".loc.xml in an XML or text editor like NotePad++.
  2. Browse or search for the "SingleAddressSearch" property that is just below the tag <data_source type="indexed">
User-added image
  1. Change the 'mapping_schema ref' property from "SingleAddressSearch" to "SingleAddressPolygonCentroid" and save the edits.
User-added image
  1. In ArcCatalog or the Catalog window, right-click the version 10x LocatorName address locator and select Rebuild.
If the locator is in use in ArcMap, remove the locator from the Address Locator Manager before selecting Rebuild. If the locator is related to a geocode service, stop the geocode service before attempting to rebuild the locator.
  1. Test the rebuilt address locator in ArcMap with the Find tool or the Locate pane in ArcGIS Pro.

Article ID:000015038

  • ArcMap

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