Customize the display text of hyperlinks in ArcGIS Dashboards

Last Published: December 8, 2022


In ArcGIS Dashboards, it is possible to add hyperlinks to connect to other web pages, documents, or resources. This is useful for providing more information related to the dashboard while conducting in-depth data analysis.

This article demonstrates the workflow to customize the display text of hyperlinks in ArcGIS Dashboards. This workflow is applicable to all elements in ArcGIS Dashboards.


Ensure to select a map for the map element and a layer for the details, table, list, gauge, indicator, pie chart, and serial chart elements respectively.
  1. Open or create a dashboard in ArcGIS Dashboards and add the desired element. Refer to ArcGIS Dashboards: Create a dashboard for instructions.
  2. In the configuration window of the element, click the General tab. Skip this step for the sidebar, map legend, and rich text elements.
  3. Depending on the element, in the General options pane or the Appearance pane, navigate to the Description setting and click the Edit button to open the rich text editor. Skip this step for the rich text element.
  4. Click the Link button to open the Link window.
  5. Specify a text for Display Text and select URL in the Link Type drop-down menu.
  6. Paste the URL of the web page in the URL text box.
  7. Click OK.
The Link configuration window
  1. Click Done to apply the settings.

The image below shows a hyperlink with custom display text added to the dashboard.

A hyperlink with custom display text

Article ID: 000028914

  • ArcGIS Dashboards

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