In ArcGIS Pro, it is possible to add the radius of a circular polygon as a label to point features. The use of a radius facilitates various spatial analysis and decision-making processes by defining the areas of interest or influence around specific locations. For example, specifying a certain radius distance is useful in identifying potential sites for a new store location or estimating the affected population and infrastructure during a natural disaster. Symbolizing the radius on a map further provides additional context and clarity to visualize the spatial reference.
This article describes the workflow to create and label a radius line for a circular polygon from points in ArcGIS Pro using the Distance and Direction tools. In this example, each point feature represents the store of a retail company in Boston.
The image below shows the circular polygon of a specified radius created using the Distance and Direction tool.
Note: This workflow only applies to circular polygons created using the Distance and Direction tools. The features created using these tools use geodetic measurements to calculate the distance.
var unit = $feature.DistUnit; /* This converts labels to the abbreviated unit of measurement */ var unitMeasurement = When( unit == 'Feet','ft', unit == 'Kilometers','km', unit == 'Meters','m', unit == 'Miles', 'mi', unit == 'Nautical Miles','NM', unit == 'Yards', 'yd', ' '); Text($feature.Distance, '#,###') + " " + unitMeasurement ;
The image below shows the radius line of a circular polygon drawn and labeled on a map in ArcGIS Pro.
Article ID: 000032281
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