Due to new organizational security requirements, the commonly used online and offline workflows can no longer be applied. Therefore, Esri has implemented an alternative for select organizations to authorize their software using a self-service process. Instead of having the organization's machines connect to Esri and complete the authorization process, files that contain authorizations can be created from the 'Esri Secure License File (ESLF)' tab on the My Esri website.
To create an ESLF, a Machine or Network Identifier is required. The following identifiers can be used:
These identifiers can be obtained from ArcGIS Administrator and License Server Administrator.
Follow the instructions below to generate and use an ESLF.
Generating an ESLF
For ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Runtime, the MAC address can be obtained via the following command prompt:
Softwareauthorization.exe -hostid
Note: If it is a Concurrent Use license, a number must be input. If it is a Single Use or ArcGIS Server license, the option to allocate a license to a specific product is present.
Note: There is an option to set a timeout for the ESLF, to ensure it cannot be applied to a machine beyond the set date.
Using the ESLF
Article ID: 000012999
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