Create an automatically adjusting frame of text to match the length of text in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: February 10, 2025


In ArcGIS Pro, the frame of a dynamic text can be adjusted based on desired dimensions. To accommodate different lengths of the text based on their input, the frame can be automatically adjusted using the Callout element in the text properties, and this article provides the workflow.

The image below shows the dynamic text element with a larger frame than the text itself.

Dynamic text element with a larger frame than the text itself


  1. Open the project in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Click the Layout tab of the project.
  3. In the Contents pane, on the Drawing Order tab, right-click the Text layer and select Properties.
Opening the Text Properties of a layout
  1. On the Text Element pane, click the Display Display button in the Text Element pane tab.
  2. Under Border, Background, and Shadow, click the Symbol drop down-down menu to open the color palette and select No color.
Element pane of a text.
  1. On the Text Symbol tab, expand Callout, click the drop-down menu and select Background.
  2. Click the Background symbol drop-down menu and under Polygon symbols, select the desired symbol. In this example, White fill is selected.
  3. Click Apply.
Element pane of the text display.

The image below shows the dynamic text element adjusted to fit the text frame.

Dynamic text element fits its text frame

Article ID: 000032887

  • ArcGIS Pro 3 3

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