Create a stacked chart in ArcGIS Dashboards

Last Published: December 22, 2022


Incorporating a serial chart element enables efficient visualization of one or more series of data points in ArcGIS Dashboards. Data series of the same type can be grouped, stacked, or 100% stacked on a chart. A stacked chart is particularly useful to visualize data points of subgroups with multiple categories stacked on top of one another.

This article provides the workflow for creating a stacked chart in ArcGIS Dashboards.


  1. Create a dashboard. Refer to ArcGIS Dashboards: Create a dashboard for instructions.
Alternatively, in ArcGIS Dashboards, click Create dashboard, fill in the required sections, and click the Create dashboard button in the lower-right corner.
The Create dashboard button
  1. In ArcGIS Dashboards, click the Add element The Add element button button on the dashboard toolbar and select Serial chart.
The element drop-down list
  1. In the Select a layer window, click Browse all layers and select the desired layer.
  2. In the Serial chart window, click the Data tab.
The Data tab in the Serial chart window
  1. For Category field, click the drop-down list and select the field for the category axis (x-axis) of the chart. In this example, COUNTY is selected.
  2. For Split by field, click the drop-down list and select the field for the value axis (y-axis) of the chart. In this example, TYPE is selected.
  3. For Statistic, select Count, and for Field, select OBJECTID.
The Category field, Split by field, Statistic, and Field drop-down buttons
  1. Click the Series tab.
The Series tab
  1. For Stacking, select Stacked.
  2. For Type, select either Column, Line, or Smoothed Line to represent the data. In this example, Column is selected.
The Stacking and Type settings
  1. Click Done.
  2. Click Save The Save icon in the dashboard toolbar > Save to save the stacked chart in the dashboard.
The Save button in the dashboard toolbar

The example below shows the stacked chart for the number of public and private schools in five counties in Portland, Oregon. The numbers of public and private schools are placed on top of each other to represent the division of each type of school in each county.

The stacked chart of schools in Portland, Oregon

Article ID: 000028939

  • ArcGIS Dashboards

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