A joined hosted feature layer view uses combined data from two different sublayers. These sublayers can be from the same or different hosted feature layers or table layers based on a relationship between nonspatial attributes in each layer. Joined views are useful for dynamically updating data from two layers alongside the source layer. It is possible to use ArcGIS API for Python to programmatically create a joined hosted feature layer view without accessing the layer on Map Viewer. This applies to both ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS. This article describes how to do so in a standalone script or ArcGIS Notebook.
from arcgis.gis import GIS from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer, Table, FeatureLayerCollection #For ArcGIS Online gis = GIS("ORGANIZATION_URL", "username", "password") #For ArcGIS Notebook gis = GIS("Home") #For Portal for ArcGIS gis = GIS("https://<machine>.<domain>.com/<web_adaptor_name>", "username", "password", verify_cert=False)
featurel_url = "<xxxxxxxxxxx>/arcgis/rest/services/<feature_layer>/FeatureServer/<feature_id>" joinl_url = "<xxxxxxxxxxx>/arcgis/rest/services/<join_feature_layer>/FeatureServer/<feature_id>" fl = FeatureLayer(fl_url, gis) tbl = Table(tbl_url, gis)
index_to_add = {"indexes":[ { "name": "<field>_Index", "fields": "<field>", "isUnique": False, "isAscending": True, "description": "<field>_Index" } ]} fl.manager.add_to_definition(index_to_add) tbl.manager.add_to_definition(index_to_add)
view_service = gis.content.create_service(name="joined_view", is_view=True) view_flc = FeatureLayerCollection.fromitem(view_service )
sourceFeatureLayerFields = [ { "name": "<field1>", "alias": "<field1_alias>", "source": "<field1>" }, { "name": "<field2>", "alias": "<field2_alias>", "source": "<field1>" }, { "name": "<field3>e", "alias": "<field3_alias>", "source": "<field3>" }, { "name": "<field4>", "alias": "<field4_alias>", "source": "<field4>" } ] sourceTableFields = [ { "name": "<join_field1>", "alias": "<join_field1_alias>", "source": "<join_field1>" } ]
field_to_join_on = "<Field>" view_lyr_name = "<view_layer_name>" definition_to_add = { "layers": [ { "name": view_lyr_name, "displayField": "", "description": "AttributeJoin", "adminLayerInfo": { "viewLayerDefinition": { "table": { "name": "sampleJoinedView", "sourceServiceName":, "sourceLayerId": 0, "sourceLayerFields": sourceFeatureLayerFields, "relatedTables": [ { "name": "testjoin", "sourceServiceName":, "sourceLayerId": 0, "sourceLayerFields": sourceTableFields, "type": "LEFT", "parentKeyFields": [ field_to_join_on ], "keyFields": [ field_to_join_on ], "topFilter": { "groupByFields": field_to_join_on, "orderByFields": "OBJECTID ASC", "topCount": 1 } } ], "materialized": False } }, "geometryField": { "name": f"{view_lyr_name}.Shape" } } } ] } view_flc.manager.add_to_definition(definition_to_add)
The following is a sample script run on ArcGIS Online.
from arcgis.gis import GIS from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer, Table, FeatureLayerCollection gis = GIS("", "username123", "password123") fl_url = "" tbl_url = "" fl = FeatureLayer(fl_url, gis) tbl = Table(tbl_url, gis) index_to_add = {"indexes":[ { "name": "TestJoin_Index", "fields": "TestJoin", "isUnique": False, "isAscending": True, "description": "TestJoin_Index" } ]} fl.manager.add_to_definition(index_to_add) tbl.manager.add_to_definition(index_to_add) view_service = gis.content.create_service(name="joined_view", is_view=True) view_flc = FeatureLayerCollection.fromitem(view_service ) sourceFeatureLayerFields = [ { "name": "TestJoin", "alias": "TestJoin", "source": "TestJoin" } ] sourceTableFields = [ { "name": "TestJoin", "alias": "TestJoin", "source": "TestJoin" } ] field_to_join_on = "TestJoin" view_lyr_name = "sampleJoinedView" definition_to_add = { "layers": [ { "name": view_lyr_name, "displayField": "", "description": "AttributeJoin", "adminLayerInfo": { "viewLayerDefinition": { "table": { "name": "sampleJoinedView", "sourceServiceName":, "sourceLayerId": 0, "sourceLayerFields": sourceFeatureLayerFields, "relatedTables": [ { "name": "testjoin", "sourceServiceName":, "sourceLayerId": 0, "sourceLayerFields": sourceTableFields, "type": "LEFT", "parentKeyFields": [ field_to_join_on ], "keyFields": [ field_to_join_on ], "topFilter": { "groupByFields": field_to_join_on, "orderByFields": "OBJECTID ASC", "topCount": 1 } } ], "materialized": False } }, "geometryField": { "name": f"{view_lyr_name}.Shape" } } } ] } view_flc.manager.add_to_definition(definition_to_add)
Article ID: 000032931
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