Create a custom location file (.lxtgaz) in LocateXT for ArcMap

Last Published: June 10, 2022


Custom location files enable identifying custom place names and recording them as points in an output feature class. The points created in the feature class represent the custom locations found in scanned documents or texts. The workflow provided describes how to create a custom location (.lxtgaz) file in ArcMap.


  1. In ArcMap, click the Customize tab and navigate to Toolbars > ArcGIS LocateXT to activate the ArcGIS LocateXT extension.
  2. In the ArcGIS LocateXT toolbar, click the drop-down arrow and select Options.
  3. In the LocateXT Options dialog box, click Custom Location in the left pane.
LocateXT Options dialog box
  1. For the Active Custom Locations Gazetteer, click New.
  2. In the New dialog box, click New to create a new custom location file.
New dialog box
  1. In the New Custom Location dialog box, fill in the parameters.
  1. For Name, type the desired file name.
  2. Check the Case sensitive check box.
  3. For the Fuzzy errors allowed parameter, select Based on overall Error Level or set a custom fuzzy error level by entering the value in Custom number. In this example, the Based on overall Error Level option is selected.
A higher fuzzy error level includes more matches but the results may not be accurate. A low fuzzy error level includes fewer results but the results are more accurate, at the expense of missing some data that may fit. This setting is dependent on the user and the overall desired result of the project.
  1. For Coordinate, insert the spatial coordinate associated with the place name.
Insert the spatial coordinate
  1. Click OK. The created custom location is added to the New dialog box with Standard Coordinates, Original Coordinates, and a precision in meters.
The created custom location is added
  1. Optionally, repeat steps 1 through 6 to add another custom location.
Add another location
  1. Click Save and set the name and location for the custom location (.lxtgaz) file.
Set the name and location
  1. The saved .lxtgaz file becomes an option in the Active Custom Locations Gazetteer drop-down list when selecting custom locations.
The saved .lxtgaz file is an option in the drop-down

Article ID: 000021071

  • ArcMap 10 6
  • ArcMap 10 x
  • ArcMap 10 7
  • ArcMap 10 8

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