Create a copy of a feature class without attachments in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: December 26, 2024


In ArcGIS Pro, attachments, such as images and files, can significantly increase data size and complexity. While attachments are useful, they are unnecessary when only geometry and attribute information are required. Excluding attachments simplifies data management and sharing, while also improving storage efficiency and performance.

To manage attachments, ArcGIS Pro provides the Remove Attachments and Disable Attachments tools. The Remove Attachments tool requires an existing attachment table linked to the feature layer. In contrast, the Disable Attachments tool permanently deletes all attachments stored in the geodatabase. However, if attachments are re-enabled after being disabled, previously associated attachments cannot be recovered.

In scenarios where the tools are not suitable, this article outlines the workflows to create a copy of a feature class without attachments in ArcGIS Pro to efficiently manage data without relying on the Remove Attachments or Disable Attachments tool.


Disable the Maintain Attachments environment setting

Use the Copy Features or Export Features tool and uncheck the Maintain Attachments check box to remove the attachment relationship class and attachment table from the feature class.

  1. Open the ArcGIS Pro project.
  2. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools.
  3. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and click Copy Features or Export Features.
  4. In the Copy Features (Data Management Tools) or Export Features (Conversion Tools) pane, on the Parameters tab, for Input Features, click Browse The Browse icon and select the feature class.
  5. Specify a name for Output Feature Class, click Browse The Browse icon and select a location for the feature class.
  6. On the Environments tab, expand Geodatabase and uncheck the Maintain Attachments check box.
The unchecked Maintain Attachments check box in the Export Features pane
  1. Click Run.

Convert the geodatabase feature class to a shapefile feature class

Shapefiles provide a simple format for storing spatial data, including location, shape, and feature attributes. They do not support attachments and are ideal for sharing data across different software applications and for creating simple features and attributes. Use the Feature Class To Shapefile tool to convert the geodatabase feature class to a shapefile feature class.

  1. Open the ArcGIS Pro project.
  2. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools.
  3. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and click Feature Class To Shapefile (Conversion Tools).
  4. In the Feature Class To Shapefile pane, on the Parameters tab, for Input Features, click Browse The Browse icon and select the feature class.
  5. For Output Folder, click Browse The Browse icon and select a folder to save the output shapefile.
  6. Click Run.
The configured Feature Class To Shapefile pane

The pop-ups below show the attachment removed from the point feature class.

The ArcGIS Pro pop-up with attachment removed

Article ID: 000034219

  • ArcGIS Pro 3 3
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 2
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 4

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