Point features can overlap or coincide with polygon features on a map. Determining the number of point features located within the polygon features is important when analyzing the spatial relationship between two feature layers with common geographical attributes. In ArcGIS Pro, Arcade can be used to count the number of point features within the polygons. This article provides the workflow.
The map below shows polygon features representing counties and point features representing hypothetical towns within the counties.
Note: The Calculate Field tool permanently modifies the input. Esri recommends creating a copy of the input table to perform the workflow and preserve the original values.
//Define the point feature class. var point_fc = FeaturesetByName($datastore, "<point_FeatureClass>") //Identify the intersected point features. var int_point = Intersects(point_fc,$feature) //return the count of the points. return Count(int_point)
The number of point features within the polygon features is displayed in the attribute table of the polygon feature class.
Article ID: 000031020
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