Copy and paste a feature to another feature layer in Collector for ArcGIS (Android)

Last Published: April 25, 2020


In Collector for ArcGIS, it is possible to copy an existing feature and paste it to a new layer. This saves time and reduces errors when collecting data on the field. However, Collector for ArcGIS only allows copying and pasting features to another feature layer within the same map.


The workflow below describes how to copy and paste a feature to another feature layer in Collector for ArcGIS (Android).

  1. In Collector for ArcGIS, open the map containing the features and select the feature to copy.
  2. The result of the selected feature is displayed at the bottom of the map. Click the List icon to view the details of the selected feature if desired.

    Feature detail
  3. In the results list, select the arrow icon at the bottom right > Copy.

    Result action
  4. Select the At the same location option. This opens a Collect a new feature dialog box. In the dialog box, select the desired layer to paste the copied feature.

    Copy to another layer
  5. Click the List icon to view the copied feature, which is at the same location, but in a different layer.

    Copied feature in a different layer

Article ID: 000017946

  • ArcGIS Collector

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