Convert an unsupported file format for use with the Generate Trend Raster tool

Last Published: August 27, 2020


In some cases, it is necessary to run the Generate Trend Raster (Image Analyst tools) tool in ArcGIS Pro using an unsupported raster file format such as a PNG or TIFF file. However, the Generate Trend Raster tool only supports specific types of multidimensional raster datasets such as NetCDF, GRIB, HDF and CRF. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Generate Trend Raster (Image Analyst) for more information.

This article provides instructions to convert an unsupported file format using the Export Raster tool for use in the Generate Trend Raster tool in ArcGIS Pro. In this example, a TIFF multidimensional raster dataset is converted to a CRF raster dataset using the Export Raster tool in ArcGIS Pro.


To convert a TIFF multidimensional raster dataset to a CRF raster dataset using the Export Raster tool, follow the steps below.

This process requires the Image Analyst license.
  1. Open ArcGIS Pro, and add the raster dataset.
  2. Right-click the raster dataset in Contents, and select Data > Export Raster.
  3. Follow the steps in ArcGIS Pro: Export or convert raster datasets to export the TIFF raster dataset as a CRF raster dataset. Specify the Output Format as CRF.

The TIFF raster dataset is converted to a CRF raster dataset, a format supported by the Generate Trend Raster tool in ArcGIS Pro.

Article ID: 000023243

  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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