In ArcGIS Dashboards, a field containing long texts may not fit within the table element when displayed. Word wrapping can be applied to break the text into multiple lines, ensuring the full content is visible when displayed.
The image below shows the text in the Description field is not fully displayed within the table element in ArcGIS Dashboards.
This article describes two workflows to configure word wrapping in ArcGIS Dashboards.
`<div style="text-wrap: wrap;">${$datapoint["<variable>"]}</div>`,
The code below is the full displayText Arcade expression used in this example.
displayText : `<div style="text-wrap: wrap;">${$datapoint["<variable>"]}</div>`,
The image below shows the table element with word wrapping applied to the desired field.
The details element displays information about features or rows from a layer, based on the layer's pop-up configuration. Use the details element to display the fields with long texts. Refer to ArcGIS Dashboards: Details for more information.
The image below shows the details element displaying the texts from the field per feature.
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