When using the Print widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder, the default output spatial reference is the WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere with well-known ID (WKID) 102100. In some instances, when the experience contains a web map with different basemaps for users to select and print, a different output spatial reference is required according to the suitability of each basemap to achieve the best print result. This article describes the workflow to do so using different print templates in the Print widget.
- In ArcGIS Experience Builder, click Create new, select the preferred template, and click Create.
- On the Insert widget panel, search for the Print widget, and drag and drop it to the canvas.
- Click the Print widget. On the right panel, on the Content tab, configure the following settings.
- Under Source, click the Select a map widget with 2D data drop-down list to select the Map widget.
- Under Mode, click Classic or Compact to select the mode for the Print widget. For this example, Classic is selected.
- Under Configure print template, configure the following settings.
- Click Select utility and click the Printing utility.
- Click New template to create a new print template.
- Specify the name of the template in Template name.
- Click the File format drop-down list to select the desired printing format.
- Click the Layout drop-down list to select the MAP_ONLY option.

- Enable the Override common settings option. Under Set defaults, click Output spatial reference and enter the desired WKID. For this example, WKID 27700 is used.
Ensure the Map size check box is checked, and the value of the height and width of the map is present in the print widget.
- Repeat Step 3(c) to create a new template with a different spatial reference.
- Click Save
to save the configurations.