In ArcGIS Online, making a call requires configuring phone numbers to create click-to-dial web-based communication. Configuring phone numbers is possible by embedding an HTML tag, or linking the phone information to text to establish the tel protocol. Clicking the configured phone number on the screen opens the tel protocol window that dials the phone number.
The standard HTML tag for a phone number is:<a href="tel:1-555-555-5555">WordsToAppearOnTheScreen</a>
Use one of the following methods to configure click-to-dial phone numbers in ArcGIS Online:
For Esri Story Maps
Configuring the click-to-dial phone number through the Source icon: Story Map Journal and Series
Configuring the click-to-dial phone number using the Edit (pencil) icon: Story Map Tour, Series, Shortlist, and Swipe
Templates with the Edit (pencil) icon enable users to add an HTML tag that alters the formatting of the text to honor the HTML code without the Source icon. Use the following steps to configure click-to-dial phone numbers in Story Map Tour, Series, Shortlist, and Swipe:
Configuring the click-to-dial phone number in the Title, Subtitle, or Header text section in Story Map Basic
In Story Map Basic, configure the click-to-dial phone number either in the Title or Subtitle section (in the General tab), or as Header text (in the Options tab).
For ArcGIS Online Map Viewer
To configure click-to-dial phone numbers in ArcGIS Online, ensure the phone number is listed as one of the attributes in the attribute table.
The following are steps to configure click-to-dial phone numbers in the pop-up window of ArcGIS Online Map Viewer:
For Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS
To configure pop-up windows that display click-to-dial phone numbers, create the web app from a web map containing the same function. The image below shows the click-to-dial phone number in the pop-up window of the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application.
To configure a click-to-dial phone number linked to the whole map instead of each feature on the map, use the following steps:
Article ID: 000017274
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